Object Oriented Programming

What will we cover?

What is Object Oriented Programming?

Although the ideas behind Object Oriented Programming were developed in the late 1960's it was not until the 1980's that it became widely known in the programming community with the release of Smalltalk-80 and a variety of Lisp implementations. During the 1980's it remained a curiosity rather than a mainstream concept. It was the popularisation of the graphical user interface or GUI, first on the Apple Mac and later in MS Windows (and X windows in the Unix world) with its windows, buttons and menus that really turned things around. By the end of the millennium, Object Oriented Programming, or OOP, had become the pre-eminent technique for software development.

Languages like Java, C++ and Python embody the concept so much that you can do very little without coming across objects somewhere. So what's it all about? It is quite a big topic and many books have been written about it. We can only touch on the concepts here but if you would like to dig deeper into the depths

then the best introductions are, in my opinion:

These increase in depth, size and academic exactitude as you go down the list. For most non-professional programmers' purposes the first is adequate. None of these are really programming books but also discuss analysis and design. This is because OOP is best practiced by applying the principles throughout the project lifecycle, it is genuinely a different way of thinking about problems.

Assuming you don't have the time nor the inclination to research all these books and links right now, I'll give you a brief overview of the concept. (Note:Some people find OO hard to grasp others 'get it' right away. Don't worry if you come under the former category, you can still use objects even without really 'seeing the light'. The more you use them the clearer it gets.)

One final point: it is possible to implement an Object Oriented design in a non OO language through coding conventions, but it's usually an option of last resort rather than a recommended strategy. If your problem fits well with OO techniques then it's best to use an OO language. Most modern languages, including Python, VBScript and JavaScript support OOP quite well. That having been said I will be using Python throughout all the examples and only showing the basic concepts in VBScript and JavaScript with little additional explanation.

Data and Function - together

Objects are collections of data and functions that operate on that data. These are bound together so that you can pass an object from one part of your program and they automatically get access to not only the data attributes but the operations that are available too. This combining of data and function is the very essence of Object Oriented Programming and is known as encapsulation. (Some programming languages make the data invisible to users of the object and thus require that the data be accessed via the object's methods. This technique is properly known as data hiding, however in some texts data hiding and encapsulation are used interchangeably.)

As an example of encapsulation, a string object would store the character string but also provide methods to operate on that string - search, change case, calculate length etc.

Objects use a message passing metaphor whereby one object passes a message to another object and the receiving object responds by executing one of its operations, a method. So a method is invoked on receipt of the corresponding message by the owning object. There are various notations used to represent this but the most common mimics the access to items in modules - a dot. Thus, for a fictitious widget class:

w = Widget() # create new instance, w, of widget
w.paint()  # send the message 'paint' to it

This would cause the paint method of the widget object to be invoked.

Defining Classes

Just as data has various types so objects can have different types. These collections of objects with identical characteristics are collectively known as a class. We can define classes and create instances of them, which are the actual objects. We can store references to these objects in variables in our programs.

Let's look at a concrete example to see if we can explain it better. We will create a message class that contains a string - the message text - and a method to print the message.

class Message:
    def __init__(self, aString):
        self.text = aString
    def printIt(self):
        print( self.text )

Note 1:One of the methods of this class is called __init__ and it is a special method called a constructor. The reason for the name is that it is called when a new object instance is created or constructed. Any variables assigned (and hence created in Python) inside this method will be unique to the new instance. There are a number of special methods like this in Python, nearly all distinguished by the __xxx__ naming format (and informally known as "dunder" methods by the Python community). The exact timing of when a constructor is called varies between languages, in Python init gets called after the instance has actually been created in memory, in other languages the constructor actually returns the instance itself. The difference is sufficiently subtle that you don't usually need to worry about it.

Note 2:Both the methods defined have a first parameter self. The name is a convention but it indicates the object instance. As we will soon see this parameter is filled in by the interpreter at run-time, not by the programmer. Thus printIt is called, on an instance of the class (see below), with no arguments: m.printIt().

Note 3:We called the class Message with a capital 'M'. This is purely convention, but it is fairly widely used, not just in Python but in other OO languages too. A related convention says that method names should begin with a lowercase letter and subsequent words in the name begin with uppercase letters. Thus a method called "calculate current balance" would be written: calculateCurrentBalance.

You may want to briefly revisit the 'Raw Materials' section and look again at 'user defined types'. The Python address example should be a little clearer now. Essentially the only kind of user-defined type in Python is a class. A class with attributes but no methods (except __init__ ) is effectively equivalent to a construct called a record or struct in some programming languages.

A Graphical Notation

The software engineering community have adopted a graphical notation for describing classes and objects and their relationships to each other. This notation is called the Unified Modelling Language (or UML) and is a powerful design tool. In total UML contains many diagrams and icons but we will only look at a few here that may help you grasp the concepts.

The first and most important icon we meet in UML is the class description, it consists of a box with three compartments. The top compartment contains the class name, the middle compartment contains the class attributes, or data, and the bottom compartment contains the methods, or functions, of the class.

The Message class defined above would look like this:

UML Class icon

We will show other UML icons as we develop the topic and introduce new concepts supported by the notation.

Using Classes

Having defined a class we can now create instances of our Message class and manipulate them:

m1 = Message("Hello world")
m2 = Message("So long, it was short but sweet")

notes = [m1, m2] # put the objects in a list
for msg in notes:
    msg.printIt() # print each message in turn

So in essence you just treat the class as if it was a standard Python data type, which was after all the purpose of the exercise!

UML also has an icon for an object or instance. It is the same as the class icon, except we usually leave the bottom two boxes blank. The name is made up of the object or instance name followed by the class name with a colon in between. Thus m1:Message tells us that m1 is an instance of the Message class.

Our message example would be drawn like this:

UML Object diagram

Note that the List class represents the normal Python list type (as indicated by the word builtin being within angle brackets, a construct known as a stereotype in UML). The lines with diamonds indicate that the list contains the Message objects. The MyProg object likewise is stereotyped as being a utility class, which means, in this case, that it does not exist as a class within the program but is a product of the environment. ( Operating system facilities are often shown this way, as are libraries of functions.) The solid lines from myProg to Message indicate that the myProg "object" has an association with, or reference to, the Message objects. The arrows adjacent to these lines indicate that the myProg "object" sends the printIt message to each of the Message objects. In effect object messages are transmitted via associations.

What is "self"?

No, it's not a philosophical debate, it's one of the questions most often asked by new Python OOP programmers. Every method definition in a class in Python starts with a parameter called self. The actual name self is just a convention, but like many programming conventions consistency is good so let's stick with it! (As you'll see later JavaScript has a similar concept but uses the name this instead.)

So what is self all about? Why do we need it?

Basically self is just a reference to the current instance. When you create an instance of the class the instance contains its own data (as created by the constructor) but not of the methods. Thus when we send a message to an instance and it calls the corresponding method, it does so via an internal reference to the class. It passes a reference to itself (self!) to the method so that the class code knows which instance to use.

Let's look at a relatively familiar example. Consider a GUI application which has lots of Button objects. When a user presses a button the method associated with a button press is activated - but how does the Button method know which of the buttons has been pressed? The answer is by referring to the self value which will be a reference to the actual button instance that was pressed. We'll see this in practice when we get to the GUI topic a little later.

So what happens when a message is sent to an object? It works like this:

You can see this in action in this code sequence, notice that we can explicitly call the class method, as we do in the last line:

>>> class C:
...   def __init__(self, val): self.val = val
...   def f(self): print ("hello, my value is:", self.val)
>>> # create two instances
>>> a = C(27)
>>> b = C(42)
>>> # first try sending messages to the instances
>>> a.f()
hello, my value is 27
>>> b.f()
hello, my value is 42
>>> # now call the method explicitly via the class
>>> C.f(a)
hello, my value is 27

So you see we can call the methods via the instance, in which case Python fills in the self parameter for us, or explicitly via the class, in which case we need to pass the self value explicitly.

Now you might be wondering why, if Python can provide the invisible reference between the instance and its class can't Python also magically fill in the self by itself? The answer is that Guido van Rossum designed it this way! Many OOP languages do indeed hide the self parameter, but one of the guiding principles of Python is that "explicit is better than implicit". You soon get used to it and after a while not doing it seems strange.

Same thing, Different thing

What we have so far is the ability to define our own types (classes) and create instances of these and assign them to variables. We can then pass messages to these objects which trigger the methods we have defined. But there's one last element to this OO stuff, and in many ways it's the most important aspect of all.

If we have two objects of different classes but which support the same set of messages but with their own corresponding methods then we can collect these objects together and treat them identically in our program but the objects will behave differently. This ability to behave differently to the same input messages is known as polymorphism.

Typically this could be used to get a number of different graphics objects to draw themselves on receipt of a 'paint' message. A circle draws a very different shape from a triangle but provided they both have a paint method we, as programmers, can ignore the difference and just think of them as 'shapes'.

Let's look at an example, where instead of drawing shapes we calculate their areas:

First we create Square and Circle classes:

class Square:
    def __init__(self, side):
        self.side = side
    def calculateArea(self):
        return self.side**2

class Circle:
    def __init__(self, radius):
        self.radius = radius
    def calculateArea(self):
        import math
        return math.pi*(self.radius**2)

Now we can create a list of shapes (either circles or squares) and then print out their areas:

shapes = [Circle(5),Circle(7),Square(9),Circle(3),Square(12)]

for item in shapes:
    print "The area is: ", item.calculateArea()

Now if we combine these ideas with modules we get a very powerful mechanism for reusing code. Put the class definitions in a module - say 'shapes.py' and then simply import that module when we want to manipulate shapes. This is exactly what has been done with many of the standard Python modules, which is why accessing methods of an object looks a lot like using functions in a module.

Shape objects

Here we see a more complex object diagram. Notice that in this case the objects within the list do not have names because we did not explicitly create variables for them. In this case we just show a blank before the colon and class name. However, the diagram is starting to get very busy. For this reason we only draw object diagrams when necessary to illustrate some unusual feature of the design. Instead we use more sophisticated features of class diagrams to show the relationships, as we'll see in the examples below.


Inheritance is often used as a mechanism to implement polymorphism. Indeed in many OO languages it is the only way to implement polymorphism. It works as follows:

A class can inherit both attributes and operations from a parent or super class. This means that a new class which is identical to another class in most respects does not need to re-implement all the methods of the existing class, rather it can inherit those capabilities and then override those that it wants to do differently (like the calculateArea method in the case above)

Again an example might illustrate this best. We will use a class hierarchy of bank accounts where we can deposit cash, obtain the balance and make a withdrawal. Some of the accounts provide interest (which, for our purposes, we'll assume is calculated on every deposit - an interesting innovation to the banking world!) and others charge fees for withdrawals.

The BankAccount class

Let's see how that might look. First let's consider the attributes and operations of a bank account at the most general (or abstract) level.

It's usually best to consider the operations first then provide attributes as needed to support these operations. So for a bank account we can:

To support these operations we will need a bank account ID (for the transfer operation) and the current balance. In this example, for the ID, we will just use the variable to which we assign the object but, in a real project we would likely create an ID attribute which stored a unique reference. We will also need to store the balance.

In UML that would look like:
BankAccount class

We can now create a class to support that:

# first create a custom exception class
class BalanceError(Exception): 
      value = "Sorry you only have $%6.2f in your account"

class BankAccount:
    def __init__(self, initialAmount):
       self.balance = initialAmount
       print( "Account created with balance %5.2f" % self.balance )

    def deposit(self, amount):
       self.balance = self.balance + amount

    def withdraw(self, amount):
       if self.balance >= amount:
          self.balance = self.balance - amount
          raise BalanceError()

    def checkBalance(self):
       return self.balance
    def transfer(self, amount, account):
       except BalanceError:
          print( BalanceError.value % self.balance )

Note 1: We check the balance before withdrawing and also use an exception to handle errors. Of course there is no Python error type BalanceError so we needed to create one of our own - it's simply an subclass of the standard Exception class with a string value. The string value is defined as an attribute of the exception class purely as a convenience, it ensures that we can generate standard error messages every time we raise an error. Notice that we didn't use self when defining the value in BalanceError, that's because value is a shared attribute across all instances, it is defined at the class level and known as a class variable. We access it by using the class name followed by a dot: BalanceError.value as seen above. Now, when the error generates its traceback it concludes by printing out the formatted error string showing the current balance.

Note 2: The transfer method uses the BankAccount's withdraw/deposit member functions or methods to do the transfer. This is very common in OO and is known as self messaging. It means that derived classes can implement their own versions of deposit/withdraw but the transfer method can remain the same for all account types.

OK, now that we have defined our BankAccount as a base class we can get back to inheritance which is what we are supposed to be discussing! Let's look at our first sub class.

The InterestAccount class

Now we use inheritance to provide an account that adds interest (we'll assume a default of 3%) on every deposit. It will be identical to the standard BankAccount class except for the deposit method and the initialisation of the interest rate. So we simply override those:

class InterestAccount(BankAccount):
   def __init__(self, initialAmount, interest=0.03):
       self.interest = interest
   def deposit(self, amount):
       self.balance = self.balance * (1 + self.interest)

Note 1: We pass the super-class (or parent) as a parameter in the class definition. In this case the parent is BankAccount

Note 2: We call the super().__init__) at the beginning of the __init__() method. super() is a special function which works out what the superclass is. This is helpful in cases where we inherit more than one superclass (yes, you can do that too! It's called multiple inheritance and you'll see an example later in this topic) and avoids some obscure issues which can arise if you try calling the superclass by name. So always use super(). By calling the __init__ method of the superclass we get all the initialisation of our inherited class(es) for free. We just need to initialise the new interest attribute that we introduced here. The same applies to the use of super() in the deposit method, it simply calls the parent class' deposit method so that we only need to add the new features of our InterestAccount).

And that's it. We begin to see the power of OOP, all the other methods have been inherited from BankAccount (by putting BankAccount inside the parentheses after the new class name). Notice that once again deposit called the super-class's deposit method rather than copying the code. Now if we modify the BankAccount deposit to include some kind of error checking the sub-class will gain those changes automatically.

The ChargingAccount class

This account is again identical to a standard BankAccount class except that this time it charges a default fee of $3 for every withdrawal. Just as we did for the InterestAccount we can create a class inheriting from BankAccount and, this time, modify the init and withdraw methods:

class ChargingAccount(BankAccount):
    def __init__(self, initialAmount, fee=3):
        self.fee = fee
    def withdraw(self, amount):

Note 1: We store the fee as an instance variable so that we can change it later if necessary. Notice that we again call the inherited __init__ just like any other method.

Note 2: We simply add the fee to the requested withdrawal in the call to the inherited withdraw method which does all the real work.

Note 3: We introduce a side effect here in that a charge is automatically levied on transfers too, but that's probably what we want, so is OK. But its worth noting that all this reuse does carry a potential penalty of unexpected side-effects which you need to look out for.

In UML we represent inheritance with a solid arrow pointing from the sub class to the superclass. We can now represent our bank account heirarchy like this:

BankAccount heirarchy

Notice we only list the methods and attributes that have changed or been added in sub classes.

Testing our system

To check that it all works try executing the following piece of code (either at the Python prompt or by creating a separate test file).

from bankaccount import *
# First a standard BankAccount
a = BankAccount(500)
b = BankAccount(200)
# a.withdraw(1000)
print( "A = ", a.checkBalance() )
print( "B = ", b.checkBalance() )

# Now an InterestAccount
c = InterestAccount(1000)
print( "C = ", c.checkBalance() )

# Then a ChargingAccount
d = ChargingAccount(300)
print( "D = ", d.checkBalance() )
print( "D = ", d.checkBalance() )
print( "A = ", a.checkBalance() )
print( "D = ", d.checkBalance() )

# Finally transfer from charging account to the interest one
# The charging one should charge and the interest one add
# interest
print( "C = ", c.checkBalance() )
print( "D = ", d.checkBalance() )
print( "C = ", c.checkBalance() )
print( "D = ", d.checkBalance() )

Now uncomment the line a.withdraw(1000) to see the exception at work.

That's it. A reasonably straightforward example but it shows how inheritance can be used to quickly extend a basic framework with powerful new features.

We've seen how we can build up the example in stages and how we can put together a test program to check it works. Our tests were not complete in that we didn't cover every case and there are more checks we could have included - like what to do if an account is created with a negative amount...

Test Driven Development

Many professional programmers use a technique known as Test Driven Development (TDD) in which they write their tests before they write their code. This may initially sound bizarre but it allows them to test their code repeatedly as they develop it and move from a state where every test fails to one where every test passes. At that point their program should work properly!

So popular is this that special tools have been developed to assist with this approach. Python has several such tools including the unittest module that is in the standard library. TDD is a good approach when writing serious code however in the context of a tutorial it would simply hide the main code that we are trying to study amongst a mass of test cases so I won't be using it here. But its a concept we look at in more detail in a later topic.

Collections of Objects

One problem that might have occurred to you is how we deal with lots of objects. Or how to manage objects which we create at runtime. It's all very well creating bank accounts statically as we did above:

acc1 = BankAccount(...)
acc2 = BankAccount(...)
acc3 = BankAccount(...)

But in the real world we don't know in advance how many accounts we need to create. How do we deal with this? Let's consider the problem in more detail:

We need some kind of 'database' that allows us to find a given bank account by its owners name (or more likely their bank account number - since one person can have many accounts and several persons can have the same name...)

Finding something in a collection given a unique key....hmmm, sounds like a dictionary! Let's see how we'd use a Python dictionary to hold dynamically created objects:

from bankaccount import BankAccount
import time

# Create new function to generate unique id numbers
def getNextID():
    ok = input("Create account[y/n]? ")
    if ok[0] in 'yY':  # check valid input
       id = time.time() # use current time as basis of ID
       id = int(id) % 10000 # convert to int and shorten to 4 digits
    else: id = -1  # which will stop the loop
    return id
# Let's create some accounts and store them in a dictionary
accountData = {}  # new dictionary
while True:          # loop forever
   id = getNextID()
   if id == -1: 
      break       # break forces an exit from the while loop
   bal = float(input("Opening Balance? "))  # convert string to float  
   accountData[id] = BankAccount(bal) # use id to create new dictionary entry
   print( "New account created, Number: %04d, Balance %0.2f" % (id, bal) )

# Now let's access the accounts
for id in accountData.keys():
    print( "%04d\t%0.2f" % (id, accountData[id].checkBalance()) )

# and find a particular one
# Enter non-number to force exception and end program
while True:
   id = int(input("Which account number? "))
   if id in accountData:
      print( "Balance = %0.2d" % accountData[id].checkBalance() )
   else: print( "Invalid ID" )

Of course the key you use for the dictionary can be anything that uniquely identifies the object, it could be one of its attributes, like balance say (except that balance would not be a very good unique key!). Anything at all that is unique. You might find it worthwhile going back to the raw materials chapter and reading the dictionary section again, they really are very useful containers.

We can represent that graphically in UML using a class diagram. The dictionary is shown as a class which has a relationship with many BankAccounts. This is shown by the asterisk on the line connecting the classes. An asterisk is used because that is the symbol used in regular expressions to indicate zero or more items. This is known as the cardinality of the relationship and can be shown in a number of ways but the regular expression numeric ranges are quite commonly used because of their richness and flexibility.

Collection of classes

Notice the use of a stereotype on the Dictonary to show it is a built-in class. Notice also the box attached to the association showing that the key is the ID value. If we had been using a simple list we would not have had the box and the line would have directly connected the two classes. This use of class relationships and cardinality is how we avoid the need for very large complex Object diagrams. We can focus on the abstract relationships between classes rather than the myriad of physical relationships between individual instances.

Saving Your Objects

One snag with all of this is that you lose your data when the program ends. You need some way of saving objects too. As you get more advanced you will learn how to use databases to do that but we will look at using a simple text file to save and retrieve objects. If you are using Python there are a couple of modules (called pickle and shelve) that do this much more effectively but as usual I'll try to show you the generic way to do it that will work in any language. Incidentally the technical term for the ability to save and restore objects is Persistence.

The generic way to do this is to create save and restore methods at the highest level object and override in each class, such that they call the inherited version and then add their locally defined attributes:

class A:
   def __init__(self,x,y):
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     self.f = None

   def save(self,fn):
     f = open(fn,"w")
     f.write(str(self.x)+ '\n') # convert to a string and add newline
     return f             # for child objects to use

   def restore(self, fn):
     f = open(fn)
     self.x = int(f.readline()) # convert back to original type
     self.y = int(f.readline())
     return f
class B(A):
   def __init__(self,x,y,z):
     self.z = z
   def save(self,fn):
     f = super().save(fn)  # call parent save
     return f         # in case further children exist
   def restore(self, fn):
     f = super().restore(fn)
     self.z = int(f.readline())
     return f

# create instances
a = A(1,2)
b = B(3,4,5)

# save the instances
a.save('a.txt').close() # remember to close the file

# retrieve instances
newA = A(5,6)
newA.restore('a.txt').close() # remember to close the file
newB = B(7,8,9)
print( "A: ",newA.x,newA.y )
print( "B: ",newB.x,newB.y,newB.z )

Note: The values printed out are the restored values not the ones we used to create the instances.

The key thing is to override the save/restore methods in each class and to call the parent method as the first step. Then in the child class only deal with child class attributes. Obviously how you turn an attribute into a string and save it is up to you the programmer but it must be output on a single line. When restoring you simply reverse the storing process.

One big snag with this approach is that you need to create a separate file for each object. In a real world example that could mean thousands of very small files. This quickly gets cumbersome and so using a database to store the objects becomes necessary. We will look at how to do that in a later topic, but the basic principles remain the same.

Mixing Classes and Modules

Modules and classes both provide mechanisms for controlling the complexity of a program. It seems reasonable that as programs get bigger we would want to combine these features by putting classes into modules. Some authorities recommend putting each class into a separate module but I find this simply creates an explosion of modules and increases rather than decreases complexity. Instead I group classes together and put the group into a module. Thus in our example above I might put all the bank account class definitions in one module, bankaccount, say, and then create a separate module for the application code that uses the module.

We can represent that graphically in UML in two ways. The logical grouping of the classes can be represented using a Package or we can represent the physical file as a component. The icons for these are shown below:

Component and package icons

The intention is that the Package icon should look somewhat like a folder in a typical file explorer tool. The little icon at top right in the component icon is actually the old UML symbol for a component but this was a bit cumbersome in diagrams when trying to draw lines showing relationships between components so they demoted it to a small embellishment in UML 2.0

That's all the UML I'll be covering, if you find it interesting and a useful way to visualise your design then a Google search will throw up lots of references and tutorials and you will find some UML drawing tools too, although the shapes are sufficiently easy to draw that you can use just about any vector graphics package.

A simplified representation of that design would be:

# File: bankaccount.py
# Implements a set of bank account classes

class BankAccount: ....

class InterestAccount: ...

class ChargingAccount: ...

And then to use it:

import bankaccount

newAccount = bankaccount.BankAccount(50)
newChrgAcct = bankaccount.ChargingAccount(200)

# now do stuff

But what happens when we have two classes in different modules that need to access each others details? The simplest way is to import both modules, create local instances of the classes we need and pass the instances of one class to the other instance's methods. Passing whole objects around is what makes it object oriented programming. You don't need to extract the attributes out of one object and pass them into another, just pass the entire object. Now if the receiving object uses a polymorphic message to get at the information it needs then the method will work with any kind of object that supports the message.

Let's make that more concrete by looking at an example. Let's create a short module called logger that contains two classes. The first class, called Logger, logs activity in a file. This logger will have a single method log() which takes a "loggable object" as a parameter. The other class in our module is a Loggable class that can be inherited by other classes to work with the logger. It looks like this:

# File: logger.py
# Create Loggable and Logger classes for logging activities 
# of objects

class Loggable:
   def activity(self):
       return "This needs to be overridden locally"

class Logger:
   def __init__(self, logfilename = "logger.dat"):
       self._log = open(logfilename,"a")
   def log(self, loggedObj):
       self._log.write(loggedObj.activity() + '\n')

   def __del__(self):

Note that we have provided a destructor method (__del__) to close the file when the logger object is deleted or garbage collected. This is another "magic method" in Python (as shown by the double '_' characters) similar in many ways to __init__(). The difference is that whereas init is called when an instance is created, the del method is called just before the garbage collector deletes the instance. (There is a slight problem in that the del method may never be called if Python exits unexpectedly. But if that happens you are likely to have other issues to deal with too!)

Also notice that we've called the log attribute _log with a '_' character in front of the name. This is another common naming convention in Python, like using capitalized words for class names. A single underscore indicates that the attribute is not intended to be accessed directly, but only via the methods of the class.

Now before we can use our module we will create a new module which defines loggable versions of our bank account classes:

# File: loggablebankaccount.py
# Extend Bank account classes to work with logger module.

import bankaccount, logger

class LoggableBankAccount(bankaccount.BankAccount, logger.Loggable):
    def activity(self):
       return "Account balance = %d" % self.checkBalance()

class LoggableInterestAccount(bankaccount.InterestAccount,
    def activity(self):
       return "Account balance = %d" % self.checkBalance()

class LoggableChargingAccount(bankaccount.ChargingAccount,
    def activity(self):
       return "Account balance = %d" % self.checkBalance()

Notice we are using multiple inheritance, where we inherit not one but two parent classes. This isn't strictly needed in Python since we could just have added an activity() method to our original classes and achieved the same effect but in statically typed OOP languages such as Java or C++ this technique would be necessary so I will show you the technique here for future reference.

The sharp eyed amongst you may have noticed that the activity() method in all three classes is identical. That means we could save ourselves some typing by creating an intermediate type of loggable account class that inherits Loggable and only has an activity method. We can then create our three different loggable account types by inheriting from that new class as well as from the vanilla Loggable class. Like this:

class LoggableAccount(logger.Loggable):
     def activity(self):
         return "Account balance = %d" % self.checkBalance()

class LoggableBankAccount(bankaccount.BankAccount, LoggableAccount):

class LoggableInterestAccount(bankaccount.InterestAccount, LoggableAccount):

class LoggableChargingAccount(bankaccount.ChargingAccount, LoggableAccount):

It doesn't save a lot of code but it does mean we only have one method definition to test and maintain instead of three identical methods. This type of programming, where we introduce a superclass with shared functionality is sometimes called mixin programming and the minimal class is called a mixin class. It is a common outcome of this style that the final class definitions have little or no body but a long list of inherited classes, just as we see here. It's also quite common that mixin classes do not themselves inherit from anything, although in this case we did. In essence it's just a way of adding a common method (or set of methods) to a class or set of classes via the power of inheritance. (The term mixin originates in the world of ice cream parlours where different flavours of ice cream are added (or mixed in) to vanilla to produce a new flavour. The first language to support this style was called Flavors which was a popular dialect of Lisp for a while.)

Now we come to the point of this exercise which is to show our application code creating a logger object and some bank accounts and passing the accounts to the logger, even though they are all defined in different modules!

# Test logging and loggable bank accounts.

import logger
import loggablebankaccount as lba

log = logger.Logger()

ba = lba.LoggableBankAccount(100)

intacc = lba.LoggableInterestAccount(200)

Note the use of the as keyword to create a shortcut name when importing loggablebankaccount

Note also that once we have created the local instances we no longer need to use the module prefix and because there is no direct access from one object to the other, it is all via messages, there is no need for the two class definition modules to directly refer to each other either. Finally notice also that the Logger works with instances of both LoggableBankAccount and LoggableInterestAccount because they both support the Loggable interface. Compatibility of object interfaces via polymorphism is the foundation upon which all OOP programs are built.

I should point out that a much more sophisticated logging system is included in the standard library logging module, this one was purely to demonstrate some techniques. If you do really want logging facilities in your own programmes investigate the standard logging module first of all.

Hopefully this has given you a taste of Object Oriented Programming and you can move on to some of the other online tutorials, or read one of the books mentioned at the beginning for more information and examples. Now we will briefly look at how OOP is done in VBScript and JavaScript.

OOP in VBScript

VBScript supports the concept of objects and allows us to define classes and create instances, however it does not support the concepts of inheritance or polymorphism. VBScript is therefore what is known as Object Based rather than fully Object Oriented. Nonetheless the concepts of combining data and function in a single object remain useful, and a limited form of inheritance is possible using a technique called delegation which we discuss below.

Defining classes

A class is defined in VBScript using the Class statement, like this:

<script type=text/VBScript>
Class MyClass
   Private anAttribute
   Public Sub aMethodWithNoReturnValue()
       MsgBox "MyClass.aMethodWithNoReturnValue"
   End Sub
   Public Function aMethodWithReturnValue()
       MsgBox "MyClass.aMethodWithReturnValue"
       aMethodWithReturnValue = 42
   End Function
End Class

This defines a new class called MyClass with an attribute called anAttribute which is only visible to the methods inside the class, as indicated by the keyword Private. It is conventional to declare data attributes to be Private and most methods to be Public. This is known as data hiding and has the advantage of allowing us to control access to the data by forcing methods to be used and the methods can do data quality checks on the values being passed in and out of the object. Python provides its own mechanism for achieving this but it is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Creating Instances

We create instances in VBScript with a combination of the Set and New keywords. The variable to which the new instance is assigned must also have been declared with the Dim keyword as is the usual VBScript style.

<script type=text/VBScript>
Dim anInstance
Set anInstance = New MyClass

This creates an instance of the class declared in the previous section and assigns it to the anInstance variable. Notice that you must precede the variable name with Set and use the New keyword to create the object.

Sending Messages

Messages are sent to instances using the same dot notation used by Python.

<script type=text/VBScript>
Dim aValue
aValue = anInstance.aMethodWithReturnValue()
MsgBox "aValue = " & aValue

The two methods declared in the class definition are called, in the first case there is no return value, in the second we assign the return value to the variable aValue. There is nothing unusual here apart from the fact that the subroutine and function are preceded by the instance name.

Inheritance and Polymorphism

VBScript as a language does not provide any inheritance mechanism nor any mechanism for polymorphism. However we can fake it to some degree by using a technique called delegation. This simply means that we define an attribute of the sub class to be an instance of the theoretical parent class. We then define a method for all of the "inherited" methods which simply calls (or delegates to), the method of the parent instance. Let's subclass MyClass as defined above:

<script type=text/VBScript>
Class SubClass
   Private parent
   Private Sub Class_Initialize()
      Set parent = New MyClass
   End Sub
   Public Sub aMethodWithNoReturnValue()
   End Sub
   Public Function aMethodWithReturnValue()
      aMethodWithReturnValue = parent.aMethodWithReturnValue
   End Function
   Public Sub aNewMethod
      MsgBox "This is unique to the sub class"
   End Sub
End Class

Dim inst,aValue
Set inst = New SubClass
aValue = inst.aMethodWithReturnValue
MsgBox "aValue = " & CStr(aValue)

The key points to note here are the use of the private attribute parent and the special, private method Class_Initialise. The former is the superclass delegate attribute and the latter is the equivalent of Python's __init__ method for initializing instances when they are created, it is the VBScript constructor in other words.

OOP in JavaScript

JavaScript supports objects using a technique called prototyping. This means that there is no explicit class construct in JavaScript and instead we can define a class in terms of a set of functions, or as a dictionary-like concept known as an initializer.

Defining classes

The most common way to define a JavaScript "class" is to create a function with the same name as the class, effectively this is the constructor, but is not contained within any other construct. It looks like this:

<script type=text/JavaScript>
function MyClass(theAttribute)
   this.anAttribute = theAttribute;

You might notice the keyword this which is used in the same way as Python's self as a placeholder reference to the current instance. (You will notice however that we don't need to explicitly include this in the parameter list of the class' methods.)

We can add new attributes to the class later using the built in prototype attribute like this:

<script type=text/JavaScript>
MyClass.prototype.newAttribute = null;

This defines a new attribute of MyClass called newAttribute.

Methods are added by defining a normal function then assigning the function name to a new attribute with the name of the method. Normally the method and function have the same name, but there is nothing to stop you calling the methods something different, as illustrated below:

<script type=text/JavaScript>
function oneMethod(){
    return this.anAttribute;
MyClass.prototype.getAttribute = oneMethod;
function printIt(){
    document.write(this.anAttribute + "<BR>");
MyClass.prototype.printIt = printIt;

Of course it would be more convenient to define the functions first then finish up with the constructor and assign the methods inside the constructor and this is in fact the normal approach, so that the full class definition looks like this:

<script type=text/JavaScript>
function oneMethod(){
    return this.anAttribute;

function printIt(){
    document.write(this.anAttribute + "<BR>");

function MyClass(theAttribute)
   this.anAttribute = theAttribute;
   this.getAttribute = oneMethod;
   this.printIt = printIt;

There is another way to do this in JavaScript, which is to use a slightly different syntax for creating the method functions. JavaScript allows us to define a function like this:

square = function(x){ return x*x;}

And we can call that as usual like:

document.write("The square of 5 is: " + square(5))

Now applying that to our class definition we get:

<script type=text/JavaScript>
function MyClass(theAttribute)
   this.anAttribute = theAttribute;
   this.getAttribute = function(){
                       return this.anAttribute;
   this.printIt = function printIt(){
                  document.write(this.anAttribute + "<BR>");

This approach is preferred by some programmers because it keeps the method definitions inside the class with no pollution of the outer namespace. Others find it a bit messy and harder to read. The choice is yours.

Creating Instances

We create instances of classes using the keyword new, like this:

<script type=text/JavaScript>
var anInstance = new MyClass(42);

Which creates a new instance called anInstance.

Sending Messages

Sending messages in JavaScript is no different to our other languages, we use the familiar dot notation.

<script type=text/JavaScript>
document.write("The attribute of anInstance is: <BR>");

Inheritance and Polymorphism

Unlike VBScript it is possible to use JavaScript's prototyping mechanism to inherit from another class. It is rather more complex than the Python technique but is not completely unmanageable, but it is, in my experience, a relatively uncommon technique among JavaScript programmers.

The key to inheritance in JavaScript is the prototype keyword (we used it in passing in the code above). By using prototype we can effectively add features to an object after it has been defined. We can see this in action here:

<script type="text/javascript">
function Message(text){
   this.text = text;
   this.say = function(){
        document.write(this.text + '<br>');

msg1 = new Message('This is the first');

Message.prototype.shout = function(){

msg2 = new Message('This gets the new feature');

/* But so did msg1...*/


Note 1: We added the new alert method using prototype after creating instance msg1 of the class but the feature was available to the existing instance as well as to the instance, msg2 created after the addition. That is, the new feature gets added to all instances of Message both existing and new.

This prototyping feature gives rise to the interesting capability to change the behaviour of built-in JavaScript objects, either adding new features or changing the way existing features function! Use this capability with great care if you don't want to spend your time grappling with really confusing bugs.

This use of prototype as a mechanism for adding functionality to existing classes has the disadvantage that it alters the existing instance behaviours and changes the original class definition.

More conventional style inheritance is available too, as shown below:

<script type="text/javascript">
function Parent(){
   this.name = 'Parent';
   this.basemethod = function(){
       alert('This is the parent');

function Child(){
   this.parent = Parent;
   this.submethod = function(){
       alert('This from the child');

var aParent = new Parent();
var aChild = new Child();



The key point to note here is that the Child object has access to the basemethod without it being explicitly granted, it has inherited it from the parent class by virtue of the assignment/call pair of lines:

   this.parent = Parent;

within the Child class definition. And thus we have inherited the basemethod from the Parent class!

The JavaScript Controversy

JavaScript has a rather bad reputation amongst the programming fraternity, for lots of reasons. To give one example: it is possible to try to create objects without using the new keyword. JavaScript allows you to do this without reporting any error but the result is not what you would expect and usually results in a very hard to find bug.

One of the reasons for this is that JavaScript does not really have a class concept at all but "fakes it" via the prototype mechanism. To get round some of the issues, JavaScript programmers have developed some idioms that produce much more robust code. Unfortunately the explanation of them requires some advanced computer science concepts that are beyond the scope of this tutorial. If you are serious about using JavaScript for OOP you should read the short book, "JavaScript the Good Parts", by Douglas Crockford which explains why the techniques above are not ideal and how to do it better.

We can, of course, use the same delegation trick we used with VBScript. Here is the VBScript example translated into JavaScript:

<script type=text/JavaScript>
function noReturn(){

function returnValue(){
      return this.parent.getAttribute();

function newMethod(){
      document.write("This is unique to the sub class<BR>");

function SubClass(){
   this.parent = new MyClass(27);
   this.aMethodWithNoReturnValue = noReturn; 
   this.aMethodWithReturnValue = returnValue;
   this.aNewMethod = newMethod;

var inst, aValue;
inst = new SubClass(); // define superclass 
document.write("The sub class value is:<BR>");
aValue = inst.aMethodWithReturnValue();
document.write("aValue = " + aValue);

We will see classes and objects being used in the following topics and case studies. It is not always obvious to a beginner how this, apparently complex, construct can make programs easier to write and understand but hopefully as you see classes being used in real programs it will become clearer. One thing I would like to say is that, for very small programs they do not really help and almost certainly will make the program longer. However, as your programs start to get bigger - over about 100 lines say - then you will find that classes and objects really can help to keep things organized and even reduce the amount of code you write.

If you are one of those who finds the whole OOP concept confusing don't panic, many people have programmed for their whole lives without ever creating a single class! On the other hand, if you can get to grips with objects it does open up some powerful new techniques.

Things to Remember

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